Monday, August 19, 2013

In Office Liposuction: Fad or For Good?

What if there was an option to get rid of fatty tissue that diet and exercise can’t touch, in about an hour, without a trip to the hospital? In office liposuction may sound too good to be true, but it continues to be a great option for women looking to treat small pockets of fat, and is especially useful to reduce and sculpt stubborn areas like the lower abdomen (also referred to as a mons pubis reduction).
So is in office liposuction just a passing fad, or can be it be a viable alternative for patients looking for body sculpting in less time and with lower costs than traditional liposuction? Let’s take a look.

Team “Fad”: Demand Has Decreased

According to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, demand for cosmetic surgery procedures has decreased year over year for the past few years, a trend which has been attributed to the economic recession. Despite the downturn, however, recent polls show a higher approval rating of cosmetic surgery by young adults, and in 2011, liposuction took the top spot for most procedures performed, with over 300,000 cases between 2010 and 2011, representing a 13% uptick. Other things that might predict a further upswing: in office liposuction techniques, such as laser-assisted ProLipo, allow for cheaper, quicker options with less downtime. The laser helps to melt fat and tighten skin as it goes, for a better overall result.

Team “For Good”: Results Are Forever

One of the reasons liposuction is a worthy investment? Once fat cells are removed, the body does not replace them by creating new fat cells. While remaining fat cells can swell to a larger size if a healthy lifestyle is not maintained after the procedure, it is unlikely that you will see fat growth resume in the treated areas. The better technique your surgeon has, the better your results, so make sure your in office liposuction is performed by a trained cosmetic surgeon in an appropriate and accredited clinical setting.

Discuss with a Doctor

For women in Minnesota and beyond, Dr. Erhard is a board certified gynecologist and cosmetic surgeon with a practice emphasis in liposuction, particularly In Office Laser-Assisted ProLipo, as well as mons pubis reduction. If you are interested in learning more about what these procedures can do for you, email Dr. Erhard and her team at or read more about the procedures at

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